Thursday 31 March 2016

10 Best Avengers: Infinity War Fan Theories

source// Marvel Studios
There are a lot of people out there who loathe fan theories and everything that they have come to define about modern movie-goers. To an extent, you can understand why.
Fan theories have earned a reputation for being ridiculous, ill-conceived and stupid, after all. The fact that they’re derived from the outside, conjured up by people who have nothing do with the films in question, also lend them an added air of inauthenticity.
But to write off every single fan theory for that reason is discredit how clever and interesting they can sometimes be. The worthwhile fan theories are well-thought out, researched and – best of all – feel entirely possible. Sometimes, they even turn out to be spot-on.
Given its colossal, ever-expanding size, it’s not really that surprising that the Marvel Cinematic Universe tends to generate an endless slew of fan theories, then. And given that Avengers: Infinity War is set to comprise of two gargantuan pictures, marking the culmination of an epic storyline that been in the works for almost a decade, it’s not at all shocking that the fan theories have begun to roll in already.
Whilst the majority are terrible and don’t make any sense, there are a good number of Infinity War fan theories currently doing the rounds that actually sound entirely feasible…

10. The Threat Of Thanos Will Force The Avengers To Reunite After The Events Of Civil War

Considering the huge fallout that we already know is set to occur in Captain America: Civil War, it stands to reason that the gang will remain divided in the wake of the film’s central inter-superhero melee – especially if poor ol’ Steve Rogers ends up going the way of the dodo at the end of the film as some rumours have suggested.
Should Civil War end on a bum note, then, it’s likely the Avengers will still be a divided force by the time the events of Infinity War roll around, which means that – in order for them to reunite in order for it to be an “Avengers” movie – they’ll need a good reason.
One fan theory purports that the Avengers will remain in a state of disarray until Thanos lurks his ugly head and reveals his intentions, forcing them to put their differences aside. This theory only works if the dispute at the end of Civil War remains unresolved and the Avengers don’t kiss and make up, however (which seems unlikely).

9. Vision Will Die At The Start

That’s right: another fan theory that marks an Avenger for death.
But this one holds genuine weight, all things considered, for a very specific reason. Given that Thanos needs to assemble all of the Infinity Stones at some point in this two-part tale for it to have any dramatic worth, it seems genuinely possible that Vision will need to die.
Why, you ask? Well, pretty much because Ultron put the Mind Stone (taken from Loki’s scepter) right the middle of Vision’s head in order to imbue him with the necessary power during the events of Avengers 2 – which is where it remains right at this moment. But Thanos needs the Mind Orb in order to assemble all Infinity Gauntlet, which suggests that – at some point in the story – Vision will have to perish to make that possible.
It’s just a theory, of course, but how else is Thanos gonna get that Stone? Not to mention that killing Vision off close to the start would definitely give some weight to Thanos as a villain (and create some major drama amongst the Avengers).

8. The Red Skull Will Return

If you learn anything from watching endless amounts of movies, it’s that a villain isn’t usually dead unless you see them die. And we never did see Red Skull perish, did we?
Red Skull met his end during the climax of Captain America: The First Avenger after touching the Tesseract, though “met his end” is an inaccurate way to phrase it – in all likelihood, he was probably transported to another time or dimension. From the writers’ perspective, though, it almost certainly wasn’t their intention to kill this character off.
So, of course, there’s a theory out there which claims that Red Skull will return to cause major havoc during the Infinity War – and seek his revenge on Captain America – after being exposed to either the Space Gem or the Time Gem. It’s a good theory too, because – unlike so many fan theories out there – it actually makes sense; he definitely exposed himself to an Infinity Stone. Could Red Skull thus return to assist Thanos in his evil scheme?
Hugo Weaving, who played the villain in The First Avenger, has stated that he is unlikely to return to the role should Marvel ask him back. No matter: given the extensive make-up used to render this character on-screen, Red Skull is an easy character to recast.

7. Captain America Is Resurrected (After Being Killed In Civil War)

It goes without saying that this particularly shocking fan theory only works if Captain America actually dies during the events of Civil War – an event which seemed unlikely at first but also one that fans just can’t seem to stop themselves thinking will happen.
In the wake of Captain America’s death, then, what could be more shocking than The First Avenger meeting his doom only for Steve Rogers to wind up being brought back to life during the events of Infinity War? And right at the end of the first part, no less – ensuring that the internet has something insane to talk about in the space between films.
“How the hell would they do that?” you’re wondering. Well, according to the fan theory, the answer is as easy as: “With the Infinity Stones, duh!”
This might seem a little rough around the edges as far as theories go, but it does ensure a few things. Firstly, it still lets Marvel kill off Captain America, granting them their huge and franchise-shattering death at the end of Civil War. Secondly, it gives them Captain America back. Thirdly, it would offer Infinity War: Part I the chance for a totally nutty cliffhanger.

6. Thanos Will Resurrect All The Villains Who Were “Killed” By Infinity Stones

Forget just having Red Skull return to the fray to seek revenge on his arch-nemesis… there’s another theory which claims Thanos, the galactic menace that he is, will use the Infinity Gauntlet to bring back all the villains who were “killed” by way of an Infinity Stone across the span of the Marvel Cinematic Universe canon thus far.
In case you’re wondering who that might include, it’s near enough everyone.
As mentioned previously, The First Avenger’s Red Skull was absorbed into the Tesseract; Thor: The Dark World’s Malekith was absorbed into the Aether; Guardian of the Galaxy’s Ronan appeared to be absorbed into Power Stone; and then there’s Ultron from Avengers: Age of Ultron, who Vision blasts into oblivion with the Mind Stone.
Could it be that, Infinity Gauntlet assembled, Thanos will resurrect these evil-doers to fight for his own team against the superhero masses?
This theory is, without a doubt, one of the coolest conjured up by Marvel fans to date – not only because it would bring things full circle (and would give some of the lesser villains a second chance to shine), but because it would make for the craziest and most insane Infinity War imaginable – especially if the Guardians of the Galaxy get involved, too.

5. Half Of The Avengers Will Perish By The End Of Part I

Well, here’s a glum thought if ever there was one: half of the Avengers will die by the time Infinity War: Part I reaches the end credits, according to one theory.
This particularly gruesome notion emerged due to several rumours that the Marvel Cinematic Universe’s fourth phase will focus on a new pantheon of superheroes, which leaves little room for the pre-existing characters. Plus, do human characters like Black Widow and Hawkeye really have a chance against the galactic force that is Thanos?
Consider for a moment that there are going to be 67 characters spread across the Infinity War movies; it makes sense that Marvel are going to use these films as a means of culling the superhero quota. The MCU has gotten to be pretty huge now, and it would stand to reason that the studio might want to kill off a bunch of characters – either because the actors playing them are done with the franchise, or to make way for new superheroes.
As such, this theory doesn’t seem as farfetched as it does a genuine possibility.

4. Captain Marvel Will Recruit The Guardians Of The Galaxy To The Fight

Interestingly, the release date for the upcoming Captain Marvel movie has it positioned right between the two parts of Infinity War, which suggests that it will play a role in bridging the narrative gap between these two installments.
One interesting theory which has arisen from Captain Marvel’s curious placement in the release schedule – a film which still doesn’t have its leading lady or a director, by the way – suggests that the titular superhero will enlist the Guardians of the Galaxy to fight in the war against Thanos, thus paving the way for their inevitable crossover with the Avengers.
In the comics, after all, Captain Marvel – A.K.A. Carol Danvers – was at one time the leader of S.W.O.R.D., a sort of space-based version of S.H.I.E.L.D.. Realising that the Avengers can’t take down Thanos on their own, there’s a good chance that a large part of the Captain Danvers movie will hone in on her attempt to bring the Guardians into battle.
As such, this theory also implies that Danvers and the Guardians won’t get involved until the second part, which – from a narrative stand-point – seems like a sensible idea.

3. Loki Will Sacrifice Himself For Thor

Loki stands as one of the most popular characters in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, and he will almost certainly have a part to play come Infinity War.
One of the best theories surrounding Loki’s role in the two-parter, then, has him making the final transition from all-out villain to anti-hero and finally hero, as he sacrifices himself to save Thor when Thanos threatens to kill the latter, realising that Thor is essential to the saving of the universe. It would be a bold move to take Loki down this path, of course.
Some versions of this theory even peg Loki as having played something of a long con the entire time he’s been on our screens – that, really, he’s the hero of the MCU and that he assumed power over Asgard at the end of Thor: The Dark World for some higher purpose that has yet to be revealed. His real plan, all along? To stop Thanos… at all costs.
Marvel have been nudging Loki towards the lighter side of things ever since The Dark World, so it stands to reason that – ultimately – he could go out in a blaze of glory. Fans would probably prefer that than for him to remain villainous until the very end, right?

2. A Failed Terrigen Bomb Will Give The Inhumans Their Powers

In case you’re unfamiliar with the Inhumans comic lore, it features a substance known as “Terrigen Mist,” one which effectively gives the titular heroes their powers.
This fan theory attempts to explain why, exactly, an Inhumans film has been placed at the end of phase three for seemingly no good reason. Wouldn’t it make more sense to end phase three with the results of the Infinity War, after all? Maybe… unless a Terrigen Bomb was somehow detonated during the events of the war in an attempt to kill Thanos.
And what if said bomb failed, and the resulting Terrigen Mist ended up coming into contact with the yet to be confirmed characters of Marvel’s Inhumans movie – superheroes who are literally created as a consequence of the Terrigen Bomb’s failings.
It’s not a full proof idea, and there’s are some details to be worked out (who decides to launch a Terrigen Bomb, for example?), but it’s definitely a theory with some weight which would allow Infinity War a relatively smooth segway into the Inhumans film.

1. It Will All Come Down To The Hulk

How will the Infinity War come to an end, then?
There are countless theories which attempt to address that very question, but none of them are quite as convincing as the one that imagines Thanos going up against the Hulk at the end of all things. You know, after any secondary villains have been vanquished and the bodies of broken or deceased Avengers lay scattered across the galaxy.
So, yes, lots of fans have theorised that only the Hulk – the only truly invincible Avenger – would be capable of battling a God-like Thanos with the Infinity Gauntlet at his disposal, and so the last confrontation will be left to these two mighty powers to duke it out.
It makes a lot of sense, of course – the Hulk and Thanos have fought one another a number of times on the page, and it’s hard to imagine any of the other Avengers – or any of the Guardians, for that matter – being able to face off against a cosmic overlord with unlimited power at his disposal from a physical stand-point. It’d make for one hell of a spectacle.
Like this article? What do you make of these fan theories? Do you buy any of them or do you think they’re delusional? Let us know all your thoughts in the comments section.

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