Monday 28 March 2016

20 Damn Sexy Pizzas You Totally Need in Your Life Right Now

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Pizza is a meal which near-enough every person on the planet can enjoy in some variety.
Meat-lover? Sure, plenty of varying, plentiful meat pizzas out there. Vegetarian? Not to worry, you non-meat-eaters are covered, too. Allergic to gluten or dairy? Fear not, there are pizzas that take this into account so that you guys can indulge in the goodness as well.
Even if you’re not a fan of your standard dough/sauce/cheese pizzas, we’re now at a place where the pizza landscape reaches beyond. There are dessert-based pizzas or even pizzas which remove some of the primary, traditional make-up of the beloved dish altogether.
Across the globe, there are so many differing takes on this most iconic of meals, with different cultures and tastes toying with the very idea of what a pizza is. There are some that use more refined, exquisite ingredients, there are some that go all out in terms of size, scale and spectacle, and then there are those that are just truly unique.
The world we live in today is a pizza-loving world, and so with that said, here’s 20 of the sexiest, sultriest, delightful, delicious and down-right dirty (in all the right ways) pizzas that will have your mouth salivating and your stomach rumbling.

20. Macaroni Cheese Pizza

What’s that? Your pizza isn’t quite cheesy enough for you? Well, this is certainly one way to remedy that problem.
As well as amping up the cheese, you get a further carb hit by the plentiful pieces of macaroni, making this one heavy, heavy meal.
Still, as heavy sitting as it may be, it’s definitely one tasty, gooey cheesy delight of a dish that’s popping up in places with increasing frequency.
For an ideal recipe for this cheesy powerhouse, be sure to visit

19. Pizza In A Jar

A self-contained pizza which feeds one and means no sharing? Yes. Yes, please.
This genius idea involves putting all of the ingredients of a standard pizza together, yet in a glass jar that is just the right portion for one person. That said, when it comes to pizza, is there really ever a right portion size? Forget less is more. More is always more when it comes to the world of pizza, people.
What’s cool about this particular creation is that it requires a fork or spoon to chow down on the pizza, meaning no greasy fingers. But again, getting messy is kind of half of the fun of a pizza-eating experience.
To find out how to create your own pizza in a jar, visit

18. Chocolate Pizza

Combining two amazing things can quite often result in one even more amazing thing. Proof in point, the work of the guys at Gourmet Chocolate Pizza.
These geniuses have decided to take inspiration from the beloved pizza when it comes to their range of chocolate goodies.
Granted, the chocolate pizzas (of which they have a vast variety of) don’t feature any dough, sauce or cheese… but they do feature a whole load of chocolate!
Forget the stingy pieces of Dairy Milk or Galaxy. The next time you get offered a piece of chocolate, make sure it’s a piece of a chocolate pizza.

17. Full English Breakfast Pizza

The British sure do love themselves a hearty fry-up to start the day. And what better way of enjoying this traditional breakfast than by slapping it all on a pizza?
Bacon? Check. Egg? Check. Sausage? Check. Mushroom? Check. Tomato? Check. Beans? Check. Hell, there’s even some fried potatoes on the above pizza. Literally all that’s missing is some black pudding and a large dollop of brown sauce (or red sauce, if you’re one of those types).
Whilst the full English breakfast pizza isn’t available in your standard pizza delivery outlets just yet, this is a dish that is actually on the menu of various restaurants across the UK. And trust me, it definitely turns breakfast into a whole different animal.
Fancy making this crammed delight of a pizza? Check out for all you need to know.

16. Pizza Fries

This concoction could very well be many a reader’s favourite inclusion on this list.
We’ve all had cheesy fries before, but slapping some mozzarella and additional toppings on to your fries gives the dish a total transformation. Is it a chip? Is it cheese? No, it’s pizza fries!
Okay, okay, technically it’s not actually a pizza by definition, but it’s still worthy enough to be included under the pizza banner. And seriously, look at that picture and tell me that you don’t want this in your life?
For a simple recipe on how to put this magnificent marvel of a dish together, visit

15. Prawn Crust Pizza

We’ve had cheese-stuffed crust. We’ve had the far too over-the-top hotdog-stuffed crust. We’ve even had the ridiculous crust with mini burgers attached to it. But now comes a different spin on that – the prawn crust pizza.
The crazy geniuses responsible for Pizza Hut chains in Japan and South Korea came up with this deliciously different idea, placing prawns on a cheesy bite-type tearaway crust. Yes, as well as the prawns you also got cheesy bites.
For those of us who don’t reside in Japan or South Korea, we can only dream of the day when such a fantastically thought-up pizza is introduced to Pizza Huts elsewhere.

14. Pizza In A Cone

Much like the novel idea of pizza in a jar, the notion of pizza in a cone is just as convenient for those who like to keep their pizza compact and ready for easy eating on the go.
With a dough cone, every single piece of this is edible, making it the perfect on-the-go snack to carry round with you. I mean, who doesn’t love a delicious, cheesy accessory, right?
What’s better is that the guys at Pizzacraft have started selling kits for you to make your own pizza in a cone at home. Forget snow cones, it’s all about the pizza cones!
Courtesy of, here’s a video talking you through exactly how to make this treat. Granted, the woman in the video could do with maybe a caffeine hit, but still… she’s making pizzas in a cone!

13. Yorkshire Pizza

When most people think of pizzas, they generally associate the dish with Italy or the USA. Step forward, the dales of Yorkshire.
This perfect pizza pie is topped with chorizo, black pudding, garlic chilli and pepper jam. That sounds like a mouth-watering mixture of toppings that will tickle the taste buds of many a pizza lover.
The Yorkshire pizza is a speciality of Leeds’ Box Pizza, available for delivery or collection. For those of us who don’t live within a decent distance of Leeds, this is a pizza that we can sadly only dream of getting our hands on.

12. Kebab Pizza

Ah, the faithful kebab. A staple and sign of many a night supping too many ales. But forget the greasy, low-grade donner kebabs that may come to mind, for the kebab pizza is a truly wonderful dish when done right.
Many a local takeaway do their own take on the kebab pizza, and this is a concoction that is even available overseas, deemed a speciality in the likes of Italy, Greece and Turkey. And there you were thinking it was merely something knocked together by the slightly angry bloke who runs the local greasy takeaway that you have on speed dial.
Often accompanied by garlic sauce, sometimes accompanied by chilli sauce, the kebab pizza is a marvel to behold when put together with care.

11. Chocolate And Marshmallow Pizza

Much like the chocolate pizza that has already featured on this list, this wonderful creation is certainly one for those with a sweet tooth.
This time though, the ante has been upped.
Rather than being a solid chocolate juggernaut, this pizza has a dough base and is made for cooking, with the chocolate melting beautifully under a snug, floaty bed of marshmallow moments.
The likely far-too-sickly chocolate and marshmallow pizza seems to be a speciality of the Max Brenner chain on restaurants. Whilst you know it would made you feel far too ill, this is one sweet pizza that even those without a sweet tooth would relish having a bite in to.

10. Chicken Enchilada Pizza

Another great combination here, bringing the joy of chicken enchiladas to the wonderful world of the pizza.
Key to this particular pizza pie is the changing up of the sauce. Gone is the standard tomato sauce sauce, replaced here by zingy enchilada sauce. On top of that goes chicken, cilantro, sautéed onions, poblano chillies and cheese.
If you like your pizza to give you a bit of a kick, this is a pizza guaranteed to put the boot in.
Want to make this spicy, tasty treat? You can find the full recipe over

9. Pepperoni Pizza Cake

What more can you say other than “triple decker pizza”?
Yep, that picture is of a magnificent creation known as the triple decker pepperoni pizza cake. So big is it, it may even force the most ardent of hands-on pizza lovers to channel their inner restraint and use a fork.
Even better, you could make your own version of this with literally any topping that your heart desires. The possibilities are both endless and mind-boggling.
If you think you have the minerals to tackle such a beastly pizza pie, you can find the full recipe at

8. Taco Pizza

Another coming together of two food powerhouses: tacos and pizza.
Combining a dough base with taco seasoning and beef, this dish is a winner on so, so many levels.
You can serve it hot, cold, large slices, as a small appetiser, or just simply grab both hands and jump in for the greasy, tasty ride.
At this stage, the taco pizza doesn’t seem like it’s readily available in any major outlets, but the joy of this beauty is that it’s a simple dish which can easily be knocked together in your very own kitchen.
To get the full lowdown on how to put this dish together, visit

7. The Colony

The Colony is a truly special entry on this list, and one that is very exclusive in its availability. Sadly, unless you just so happen to live in or around Clinton Hill, Brooklyn then you will likely just have to dream about this stunning sounding pizza.
What immediately catches the attention with this particular pizza pie is the use of honey. Along with pepperoni and pickled chilli, honey is one of a holy triumvirate of toppings on this pizza of the Gods.
The simple-titled Emily restaurant in Clinton Hill is one which specialises in using honey on their pizzas, and the place itself has a huge reputation that just keeps on growing with every passing visitor. Of all of their pizzas, The Colony is the one which jumps out the most, although the mere description of their other pizzas is just as likely to make your stomach start yearning for them.

6. Chilli Con Carne Pizza

The option of putting chilli con carne on a pizza is one that should be taken up at every single opportunity. Seriously, it’s the stuff of legend.
This delight of a dish is something that can be found at a variety of establishments across the globe, although it’s a particular speciality at Edinburgh’s The Kilderkin. Now who was it who said that all Scottish meals were served deep-fried?
Chilli con carne on a pizza base, covered with lashing of cheese? Please, take my money. Take it now. And could you pass me a gaviscon whilst you’re at it?

5. Cookie Dough Crust Pizza

In terms of a dream opponent for your taste buds, who doesn’t like the sound of a cookie dough crust?
This creation of the South Korean-based Mr. Pizza chain concocted a pizza pie that has a gushing cookie-heavy crust. Sounds all kind of good, no?
Now whilst the toppings of choice for this particular pizza – prawns, olives and sweet potato – are maybe not the ideal compliment for the cookie crust, the fact that it’s served with a blueberry dip certainly makes this an attractive proposition.
Whilst it’s certainly an acquired taste, this creation is one which would steal the money of many a pizza lover.

4. The World’s Most Expensive Pizza

To us mere regular people, this pizza is one we will never get to try.
Known in some quarters as the ‘Pizza Royale 007’ pizza, in others as simply the most expensive pizza that money can buy, this pizza pie is one reserved for those with money. Lots and lots of money.
Topped with cognac-marinated lobster, champagne-soaked caviar, the finest Scottish smoked salmon, prosciutto, olives, venison medallions, and edible 24-carat gold flakes. Yep, tucking in to this pizza actually sees you eating gold.
The pizza itself was created as a one-time deal by Domenico Crolla for auction purposes. The price? At auction, this meal sold for a rumoured $2,400, purchased by an Italian lawyer as a Valentine’s gift for his wife. Sure beats taking her out for a Nandos.

3. Meatza

Oh, the meatza. What a beautiful piece of meat-tastic craftsmanship.
This fantastic feast of ferociously feisty food is a construction of planning, excess, and a whole load of meat, created for the wonderfully-titled Pizza De Mayo event. In fact, technically this pizza is the second incarnation of meatza.
Starting from the bottom up, we’ve got a layer of criss-crossing bacon strips, then comes a load of ground beef spread across to form a base for a layer of mozzarella cheese. Then comes a layer of sliced Italian sausage, which is topped with a layer of crushed tomatoes and then some pepperoni. Basically, think of a regular pizza but substitute the dough for actual meat.
Safe to say, this isn’t one for the vegetarians out there. For us meat lovers though, this is the equivalent of seeing Santa on Christmas Eve. It is truly the stuff of make-believe.
If you think your arteries can take it, you can find out how to make the meatza over

2. Bacon Wrapped Pizza

Bacon makes everything better, right? If you’re answer to that is no, chances are you’ve not made it this far into this feature.
So what better way to improve a pizza than by incorporating bacon? And not just the mere addition of bacon, but actually wrapping the edges of a pizza with the fine delight of crispy pork.
This crazy idea from Little Caesar’s arrived earlier this year and is a creation that will strike right at the heart of many a pizza fan (likely in more ways than one).
The joy of this pizza is summed up none better than the guy below. We feel your joy, sir. We really, really do.

1. Bacon Cheeseburger Pizza

Again with the bacon!
Whereas bacon wrapped pizza is a thing of pig-engulfed beauty, the bacon cheeseburger pizza takes things to a whole other level.
Chances are that there’s very few beings on this Earth capable of dismantling and devouring this behemoth of a meal. There’s likely plenty who would fancy their chances, though.
This culinary colossus essentially sees two pizzas used as the bun of an epic scale burger made up of 3lb of ground beef, complimented with colby and pepper jack cheese. And as for the bacon, that’s stuffed within the hulking mass of beef.
It’s with no exaggeration to say that his burger is literally the stuff of dreams. Like those dreams of sharing a bed with some A-list superstar, chances are that if you were ever faced with the reality of this burger then you’d freeze on the spot.
If you’re the kind of crazy genius who thinks that they can tackle such a monster of a meal, firstly I like your style, but secondly you can find out how to create this gargantuan gut-filler over at Good luck!
Had a life-changing slice lately? Let us know in the comments.

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