Thursday 31 March 2016

Batman Arkham Knight: 10 Side Missions Rocksteady Should’ve Included

source// Rocksteady
The climax of the phenomenal Arkham series boasted a number of side missions that were memorable and exciting. We tracked down the vile and creepy Professer Pyg in The Perfect Crime, worked with Nightwing to take down Penguin’s arms-dealing operation in Gunrunner, investigated and captured Kirk Langstrom’s monstrous Man-Bat and fought as Azreal to see if he was a worthy replacement for Batman himself.
But, there seemed to be a lot of uneventful and uninspiring side missions that felt lacklustre compared to the rest. Locating firefighters, chasing Firefly around Gotham on three separate occasions, defusing explosive devices, clearing militia checkpoints… the majority of missions in Arkham Knight seemed to rely too much on ‘find something, break faces (or tanks), repeat’. Alongside, an over-reliance on the Batmobile made it feel like we were being fed one of our favourite snacks so much, that we quickly became sick of it.
To counter that, I’ve designed nine alternative side missions for your pleasure (and mine, it was great fun), containing villains that were never included in the games, along with two stalwarts who deserved a better send off. If you love your Batman, then you should hopefully find these pretty tantalising.

10. Maxie Zeus – The Five Labours

The VillainMaxie Zeus began as a history teacher of Greek Mythology, though he eventually lost his wife, and his sanity disappeared shortly after. Zeus uses his intelligence and cunning to become a respected crime lord, but his belief that he is the direct descendant of the actual Zeus, the King of the Gods, leads him to play each of his crimes around mythological themes.
The MissionWith his toga-wearing thugs, Maxie has turned Gotham Zoo into his ‘Olympus’. He has sired a young boy, his ‘Hercules’ with ‘Alcemene’, a clearly traumatised young woman. Zeus wants Batman to protect Hercules from the scheming of Hades and complete five of Hercules’ twelve trials (he ran out of money for the rest).
Trial 1: Battle the Nemean lion, Cretan Bull and Symphalian Birds (a lion, a bull and two giant eagles) simultaneously.
Trial 2: Track and capture the Cerynian Hind (a thug dressed as a deer) by hunting him through the Africa section whilst the animals are loose.
Trial 3: Retrieve the Belt of Hippolyta, Amazonian Queen and mother to Wonder Woman from three Amazon warriors who are forced to fight you, lest Zeus execute one of their captured sisters.
After the trials are completed, Hades arrives, a massive thug, flanked by Cerberus (three Rottweilers tied together). It’s actually Clayface assuming the role, and he is furious that Batman is there. Noting that Batman was not ‘in the script’ and that he barely survived his encounter with him in Arkham City, Clayface departs. Batman and the fourth Amazon (whom he freed earlier) take out Zeus and save Hercules and Alcemene.
Batman gingerly pats the screaming child as he kicks Zeus into the horse poop being stocked for the Augean stables.

9. Prometheus – Justice

The Villain
Prometheus is often regarded as a warped mirror image of Batman. When he was a child, he witnessed his outlaw parents slaughtered by the police in a shootout, like Bonnie and Clyde. He idolised his criminal mother and father and swore that he would annihilate the ‘forces of justice’. An extremely formidable foe, Prometheus trained all around the world, is one of the smartest men on the planet and has a helmet that can download anything directly into his brain (such as the fighting styles of other people).
The MissionThe corpses of disfigured GCPD officers have been scattered around Gotham. Analysing each one reveals their connection; they were all involved in a shoot-out that resulted in the deaths of two hippy criminals who were on a murderous crime spree.
Aaron Cash is the last surviving officer who was on the scene and was responsible for the safety of the criminal’s child. While Batman is warning him, Prometheus takes over the GCPD. You must arrive at the GCPD within a certain amount of time and glide out of the Batmobile to catch Cash after he is dropped off the roof of the precinct by Prometheus.
Prometheus wants to destroy the ‘forces of justice’ and believes Batman to be their symbol. He has learnt the fighting styles of the entire Bat family; Batgirl, Robin, Nightwing and Batman himself. Prometheus uses weapons akin to each member and you have to best each style he uses, adjusting accordingly and giving him a beat-down to move onto the next.

8. Two-Face – Self-Inflicted

The Villain
The Batman rogues are generally considered so esteemed because they each represent a part of mutual enemy. Harvey Dent is a symbolically physical manifestation of the duality of Bruce Wayne and Batman; the combination of two egos that must work together as one. However, in the former D.A. of Gotham’s case, his battle is not for the betterment of others but for the advancement of his own selfish motivations.
The MissionThis mission takes the Two-Face missions included in Arkham Knight (which were three separate bank-robberies that you had to thwart) but with a twist. Swooping through Gotham, you must stop a man who has a mutilated face from maiming his wife with a knife and making her ‘scarred’ like him.
Interrogating the man, he tells you of Two-Face’s desire to create his own ‘country’ in which his ‘fellow deformed friends’ can feel ‘normal, beautiful’. Each bank robbery is designed to fund this endeavour and, after stopping the third (and final in the original game), you must go track down Harvey.
He is holed up within his own private area of Gotham, surrounded by an army of mutilated mobsters, madmen and general, everyday people who have been ‘made in his own image’. However, eavesdropping reveals that Batman is the reason that the majority of these scarred individuals are as they are. You have the moral choice of hurting them even more (a phenomenal battle, considering their number) or focusing directly on Harvey, countering their attacks and only taking out the real mastermind.

7. Ventriloquist – Voices

The Villain
Easily one of the weirdest criminals to hail from Gotham City, Albert Wesker is a ventriloquist crime lord who directs all orders (and executions) through a wooden dummy dubbed Scarface. It has often been debated who is actually controlling who, as Wesker may be the one with his hand up Scarface’s colon, but he isn’t the dominant one in the relationship.
The Mission
Ventriloquist has put word out that he is screening potential goons, and initiates a battle royale for potential candidates, with an an old 1920’s move backlot. Batman infiltrates the meeting and must win the royale, however no gadgets are allowed and the thugs must get some hits in to make his cover as fellow mobster Matches Malone appear believable.
Wesker gushes over you but Scarface is apprehensive, recalling the Riddler stating that Matches is in cahoots with the Bat. After slapping Wesker silly, Scarface opens fire and you must contend with the remaining thugs whilst dodging the bullets, now able to use more of your gadgetry and martial arts prowess.
Wesker flees into the set and begins throwing his voice around and Batman must track him down without Detective Mode (you’re still in the Matches disguise). Getting the drop on him, Batman throws Scarface into a nearby fire. Batman stops Wesker from diving in the fire after Scarface and makes him a makeshift puppet out of a nearby piece of material to appease his fragile psyche.
Batman calls in the Batmobile but Scarface, smouldering and demonic, attacks out of nowhere. After a QTE where you must shake him off, you then hold him down as the Batmobile arrives and crushes his head.

6. Catwoman – Scars

The Villain
Queen of physically impossible sexual poses, Catwoman has been tightening Batman’s leather since 1975. A somewhat reformed cat burglar who has flirted with both sides of the law, Selina Kyle is iron-willed, liberated and morally conflicted. She also dresses head to toe in leather, uses a whip and has a zipper over boobs, which most definitely causes some discomfort.
The Mission
Precious jewels are being stolen all around Gotham and, after deducing the next location, Batman undergoes a stake out. Tracking the perpetrator without notifying them of your presence, it is revealed to be Catwoman. After a rooftop chase, the two lovers square off. Because Batman doesn’t want to cripple her, you’ll have to use your gadgets over brute force.
Kyle is working for mob boss Carmine Falcone (they have history). Falcone has kidnapped Selina’s platonic friend Holly and has demanded riches for her return. Infiltrating Falcone’s compound, you alternate between the two characters to dispatch the guards in a Predator sequence.
Falcone doesn’t care about riches and instead wants revenge for Catwoman taking a chunk out of his face and making him appear weak in front of his peers. He shoots Holly in the head and, as Selina, you give him a beat-down and are given the opportunity to kill Falcone.
Killing the mob boss will trigger a boss battle in which Batman will have to reluctantly take Selina down. Sparing Falcone’s life results in him pulling a gun on Selina and Batman must disarm him before he can pull the trigger. Failure to do so results in Selina’s death.

5. Bane – Venom

The Villain
A self-taught chiropractor, Bane was born and raised in an underground prison, forced to serve a life sentence for the crimes of his father. Grateful he wasn’t born a Cosby, Bane shaped himself into a force of mind and muscle. The he got juiced and became the Man Who Broke the Bat. Literally.
Bane was in Asylum, City and Origins but was absent from Knight due to fear of overexposure. He was notably Origins’ final boss in a white-knuckle battle. What’s left to do? Well…
The MissionHelp him kick the habit by kicking his ass. You start as a reformed Bane arriving in Gotham, only to have to fight and then be captured by the Arkham Knight and force-fed a Venom/Titan cocktail that turns you into a destructive distraction.
Because only the Batmobile is allowed to destroy Gotham’s infrastructure, Batman arrives and tries to take you on. You wail on him and then, now Batman, have to use the winch to drag him to a more seclude area.
This overdose of Venom has placed Bane’s heart under great distress. Bane wrecks the Batmobile and you must now use Detective mode at different intervals of the fight in order to monitor his heart. Eventually, you calibrate the cowl to filter out all noise except for the heartbeat when it gets faster.
Still in the fight, everything is eerily silent, save for the sound of the heart-beat. In each final beat down, you must listen and stop so Bane’s heart doesn’t give out, timing your onslaught. Eventually, Bane is finally knocked unconscious.

4. Ratcatcher – Extermination

The Villain
Otis Flannegan is a relatively unknown Batman rogue who has the ability to control and communicate with rats. With a power-set like that, you’d think he’d rule grubby Gotham with an iron fist, but he’s been in Blackgate more often than not, using his furry friends as couriers for other villains.
The MissionFinding and analysing the mutilated body of the KGBeast, Batman discovers he’s been eaten alive by rats. Placing a tracking device on a nearby rat, you follow it into the sewers. Inside, you analyse two more bodies. City officials who had been involved in Flannegan’s sentencing (a nod towards his debut story).
Ratcatcher tells you his mistreatment from other inmates shows him that villains are the true infestation. Otis summons a wave of rats and you must escape, eventually diving into a vent. Rats pour in and one wrong move means the Bat is rat scat.
Lucius Fox sends you a sonar device to keep the rats at bay. You return to the sewers and the rats part for you like the Red Sea. Flannagan has captured Crazy Quilt and Humpty Dumpty. You use batarangs to untie them so that they can deal with the rats while you take on Ratcatcher.
While fighting Flannegan, you must use the sonar device when the rats close in or attack the others. Don’t fret, you can do a double takedown with each.
Eventually, the device breaks and the two villains are eaten. Before the rats swarm you, you KO Flannagan. The rats instantly stop, silently, and you carry him away.

3. Gaggy Gagsworthy – Throwback

The Villain
Gaggy Gagsworthy (who sounds like an overambitious porn star) was Joker’s original sidekick. He was a tightrope walker at Hayley’s Circus until the Flying Graysons arrived. Delegated to a clown and part of a freak show, Gaggy caught the attention of Joker by lashing out at another clown. Willing to kill anyone for a chuckle, the two teamed up and probably shared a bathroom at one point.
The Mission
Gaggy believes Harley Quinn took Joker from a fun loving, murdering clown to a… fun loving, murdering psychopath? Disguised as Joker, he kidnaps her and now Harley’s hyenas roam the city. You follow one to the scene and create a replay of the kidnapping, finding a clue containing Harley’s scent. You have to stop them from maiming thugs along the way to Harley.
Harley is drowning in a huge ball pit while Gaggy takes a trip down memory lane. Flashing to a sixties Gotham, Adam West Batman and Burt Ward Robin are tied to giant typewriter keys. As Gaggy, alongside Joker, you jump towards them, key-by-key. The dynamic duo escape and a fight ensues, with Joker eventually becoming more brutal, killing the heroes and turning his attention to you.
Back as Batman, you fight the terrified Gaggy, who believes you to be the psychotic Joker. Dodging his old school Joker gadgets and knocking him out with one punch, Harley then thanks you by escaping with Gaggy, claiming that she’s going to feed him to her hyenas.

2.  The Court Of Owls – The Verdict

The Villain
Older than Gotham City itself, the Court of Owls is an underground organisation that rules from the shadows. In control of an army of Talons, undead assassins who cannot be killed through conventional means, the Court represents one of the biggest obstacles to Batman.
The MissionDuring a meeting with Lincoln March, a candidate for Gotham mayor, Batman is attacked by a Talon. Free-falling during the fight, you are transported to Gotham in 1922. You run through the streets as a crazed, desperate Alan Wayne, wearing a bathrobe, shouting that ‘they’ are after you. A Talon stalks you from the rooftops.
The Talon hits the ground yet somehow escapes. Following several clues leads to the ‘non-existent’ 13th floor of Wayne Tower. Ambushed by a group of Talons, you wake in the Court’s maze. In a trippy sequence, you must navigate your way through, and are forced to fight the previous Talon at low health, impaling him. The Court reveal themselves and then disappear.
Alfred sends a distress signal and you must stop Talons sent to destroy Wayne Manor. Batman is overwhelmed until Alfred activates Batman’s mech-suit. As Alfred in the suit, you fight and kill the Talons.
Returning to Gotham, you battle in the streets against an army of Talons with the entirety of the Bat family at your side (Batgirl, Nightwing, Catwoman and Robin). New dual takedowns are available and deadly force has been authorised. Upon victory, you return to the maze, only to find the Court have fled.

1. Simon Hurt And The Black Glove – R.I.P. (Part One)

The Villain
Thomas Wayne is a distant ancestor of Batman. Leader of a demonic cult that worshiped the bat demon Barbatos, Thomas was the black sheep of the Wayne bloodline. He succeeded in his quest to gain eternal life and renamed himself Simon Hurt, establishing the secret organisation The Black Glove and very nearly destroying Batman.
The MissionAlfred receives an anonymous letter that only states ‘Zur-En-Arrh’. Upon hearing the word, Batman’s head begins to explode with pain. Crawling to the Batmobile, he blacks outs just before a random thug takes a swing at his head with a bat. The thug is killed by Flamingo.
A naked Bruce wakes up in a pile of garbage with no memory of who he is. Batmite pops up and explains that Bruce is ‘The Batman of Zur-En-Arrh’. With the thug’s bat and a costume fashioned from rags, Bruce must travel to the Batcave. Your utility belt consists of random junk (such as shards of glass for Batarangs), your armour is severely limited and the Batmobile is not available.
All the while, Batmite accompanies you.
You must counter-KO the dastardly Le Bossu and immediately take out Swagman by beating him with a rocket launcher he’s attempting to use on you. The formidable Flamingo returns as a tough opponent and eventually tries to eat your face – that is, until Alfred arrives and brains him with a baseball bat.
Simon Hurt tries to flee in a helicopter while desperately trying to convince Bruce that he is his father. Bruce claims that Hurt is Mangrove Pierce, an actor who had once been his father’s double. A QTE between the two takes place in the helicopter and the it crashes, with Batman narrowly escaping. Batmite waves Hurt goodbye, and Alfred put his arm around Bruce’s shoulder.

Where there any side-missions you enjoyed in Arkham Knight? And which of our suggestions would you have loved to see?

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