Monday 28 March 2016

GTA VI Wishlist: 10 Things it Must Include

source// Rockstar
No sooner had GTA V whizzed onto shop shelves in 2013 than gamers started looking forward to what VI may have in store. It seems like no video game forum is complete without at least one topic dedicated to what Rockstar’s next installment of the infamous series may have in store. People crave news about a new Grand Theft Auto, it’s as simple as that.
There’s a reason for this constant chatter; GTA is an exciting property and always has been. It’s the kind of game that’s ripe for rumours too, something Rockstar themselves have likely only encouraged. Interviews with game producers like Dan Houser have only added fuel to the fire, teasing fans with what they can expect with each passing release. GTA VI will likely not be majorly different to the previous games in the series, but there seems to be a tremendous amount of buzz surrounding the mere idea of its existence.
This article looks at many of the things fans both want and expect from VI, examining some of the more interesting and fun wishlist items that have been flying around. If gamers get their way in the end, GTA VI looks like being a whole load of customisable, murderous fun, and it could be the most interactive Grand Theft Auto game yet.

10. Being Able To Play On The Other Side Of The Law

For years, Grand Theft Auto has featured side missions such as acting as a vigilante police officer, picking up fares in a taxi, and helping unfortunate folks to hospital in an ambulance. Up until now, such tasks have felt like mini-games more than anything else, but that could be set to change once GTA VI hits the scene.
The title of the series makes it fairly obvious that it’s all about crime, and players have pretty much always existed on the wrong side of the law. There are some hoping gamers will be able to actually reverse that trend, controlling a police officer and hunting down criminals. Right now, details on this are sketchy, but there are hopes that the feature will exist in more than just the online multiplayer modes.
Imagine this played a part in the overall story of the game, it’d be absolutely crazy. The possibilities are there to create a genuinely interesting feature, more than just another mini-game that helps break up the action. What if there are actual story missions during which the main protagonist plays a cop, or maybe that takes up some of the earlier missions in the game? That’s along the lines some gamers are thinking.

9. Ability To Build And Destroy

Customisation is a huge part of the video game industry nowadays. Grand Theft Auto has actually dabbled with these things before, such as the character-based RPG-style elements visible in San Andreas. They were used once more in GTA V, only based more on skills than appearance.
It’d be really cool to see Rockstar extend that to infrastructure. Imagine being able to buy a plot of land and build an entire house from scratch, it would open up the game entirely. In Vice City Stories there were elements that explored real estate and building up business. There’s no reason why, with the power of current-gen technology, that couldn’t become more prevalent in VI.
Being able to play with the location’s look and architecture style does feel very Minecraft, but Rockstar wouldn’t need to offer as extensive a set of tools as that game. Looking at Fallout 4 for inspiration might be one way of doing things, relying more on templates than complete customisation.

8. Way More Emphasis On Interior Environments

Up until now, Rockstar have progressively allowed players greater freedom of access to interior locations with the GTA series. That’s not to say that every single building in the game can be entered, but GTA V had much more interaction in that respect than previous titles in the franchise. For VI, it’d be great to see more.
Grand Theft Auto is all about crime, so it should be possible to break into random houses and loot them in the game. It may be simply unrealistic to expect Rockstar to make absolutely everything in the game interactive, but there’s no reason why as many spaces as possible shouldn’t be easy to enter.
Gamers have always been able to hold up various shops, and some games have featured burglary missions. It’s never really felt like enough though, and it’s an aspect of GTA that’s just begging to be expanded upon in VI. Fans would likely love to see it, making inside environments as important as the outside city.

7. To Have The Game Set In The 1980’s

For the longest time, people have been talking about VI seeing a return to the ever-popular Vice City setting. This is one discussion which simply won’t go away, mainly because there seems to be a swell of positivity surrounding such an idea. Vice City is one of the best-remembered and loved games in the GTA series, and seeing the location lovingly recreated with modern technology would be supreme.
Even when fans have been discussing a possible Vice City comeback, the general consensus seemed to be that any upcoming game would take place in a different timeline from the 1986 version of Miami that Rockstar crafted on the PS2. Modern day settings have been talked about, but now people appear to feel there’s a chance that developers could actually be willing to go back to the 80’s.
There’s no doubt about it, fans would be intrigued by the opportunity to head back to the hedonistic decade and see what could be achieved with it now. Tommy Vercetti wouldn’t even necessarily need to make a return, it’d even be interesting to play in Vice City before Vercetti arrived or after he departed.

6. A More Expanded Online Experience

Story is such a vital part of the ever-branching Grand Theft Auto experience, and it’s almost impossible to imagine slotting the disc in and not being overcome with amazing characters, writing and narrative. Picturing a GTA title without such a story is difficult to do, because single player is as crucial as anything else to the success of the series thus far.
GTA Online has had varying levels of success over the past few years, and there was a stuttering start to V’s online play. Whilst some certainly adore the service and the idea of playing Grand Theft Online with others online, there are likely those who don’t see it as all that important to the game overall.
Nonetheless, enhancing the online portion of the GTA experience in VI would be advisable for Rockstar. In fairness to the developers, they must surely recognise the importance of having solid online play in today’s gaming market. V did feature some story in online mode, but Rockstar should look to add much more to try and tie the experience together a little better.

5. Map Covers An Entire State

Here’s an ambitious one, but it’s also a dream feature which just won’t disappear. Some people were oddly disappointed by GTA V’s map, feeling it should have been bigger – certainly on PS4 and Xbox One – than it turned out to be. The playable area was densely populated with great character however, more so than in any previous Grand Theft Auto game.
There’s something truly epic and romantic about Rockstar taking on the task of making GTA VI exist in the entire United States. Seriously, this is something people are talking about, likely caught up in the excitement over what would be a mind-boggling prospect. Up until now, GTA titles have taken place in more confined cities or states, but an entire country would be astounding.
There are some who believe this gives more credence to the idea that VI may eventually be kept back for release on the next generation of consoles, but it’s also fair to say that developers haven’t yet unlocked the full potential of the PS4 and Xbox One systems. Creating a game world which exists from coast-to-coast would be unbelievable, and as unlikely as it sounds there are those still discussing it as something they want to see.

4. All Previous GTA Cities To Be Featured

Up until now for the series, GTA games have taken in Liberty City, Vice City and San Andreas, with the latter sprawling across three different cities including Los Santos, San Fierro and Las Venturas. As titles have progressed, such as in V, the cities have been developed to include more remote areas and countryside.
It’d be absolutely jaw-dropping if every city in GTA’s history could feature in the one game. Picture the scene, as you control the protagonist and make the lengthy drive from Liberty right down to Vice City’s coast, you can stop off in the Las Venturas desert to take care of some business. It’s a captivating thought, one which must excite any Grand Theft Auto enthusiast. There’s also some enticing realism to the speculation.
An interview conducted by Digital Trends with Rockstar producer Leslie Benzies included the little notion from the man himself that this is something staff would like to see. This would make VI the biggest GTA game to date, more than making up for any disappoint some strangely had with V’s Liberty City.

3. Proper Fast Travel, To Go From City To City

As aforementioned, Grand Theft Auto is fantastic for creating rich, immersive worlds that players can simply get lost in. Play GTA V for any length of time, and you begin to know Liberty City inside out. People start to know which shortcuts to take, which roads to avoid and the handy minimap becomes less important over time. That’s a real credit to Rockstar.
That said, modern gamers expect to do things with some sense of immediacy. If GTA VI did take place across multiple cities, it could be quite the chore to manually travel from one point to the next continually. This has led to people talking about the idea of Rockstar integrating proper fast travel into VI, instead of the previous method of hopping into a taxi and skipping the journey.
There’s a chance that could still be one way of doing things, but there should also be an instant travel option available from the game’s map screen. Just like in games such as Fallout 4, being able to go from A to B instantly is an appealing feature. This could open GTA up even more, although there would still be those preferring to do things the old school way.

2. A Lead Female Protagonist

Grand Theft Auto has never been a gaming series particularly bothered with presenting positive role models. Even so, that hasn’t stopped many players of the franchise from talking about the chances of a female protagonist appearing in GTA VI. There’s no real valid excuse as to why it can’t happen.
GTA V features a trio of different main playable characters, each one memorable for their own reasons. If Rockstar wanted to go down a similar path with GTA VI, they could integrate a female party member into the mix. It’s something many would definitely view as interesting, because it would represent a true first for the series.
A female version of Trevor Philips would be hilarious, because the developers have shown an innate ability to write off-the-wall characters drenched in humour. Alternatively, what if the female protagonist was the smartest of the lot? At the very least, it’s high time a woman became playable in GTA.

1. Some Integration With Red Dead Redemption’s World

Red Dead Redemption was a success as a standalone game in 2010, so much so that gamers are crying out for Rockstar to release another in the series. Red Dead 3 would be special, and is surely going to follow at some point, but could the cowboy shooter have something to say about GTA VI’s development?
Up until now, Rockstar have seemed intent on keeping their blockbuster franchises separate. That could be a smart move, but there’s no reason why there couldn’t be a few links here and there. Nobody is expecting John Marston to swoop into Vice City and start building up a real estate empire whilst doing gigs for the mob. However, for example, it would be awesome if the main protagonist in VI could cite Marston as an ancestor.
That’s an exciting thought, likely causing drool to fall from the chops of anyone who is a fan of either series. Obviously, the idea would have to tackled sensibly, but Rockstar must be considered the perfect developer for that sort of thing. There’s no way they will compromise Red Dead Redemption’s integrity, but this would be incredible if it were to happen.
Which of these wishlist items would you most enjoy seeing in GTA VI? Let us know in the comments!

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